
Cherie B.

With her Bachelor’s Degree in Biology, Cherie’s goal is to go to graduate school and become a Physician’s Assistant. Before starting grad school, Cherie will be studying for the GRE, taking the exam, and applying to grad school this summer. She has already started looking at schools in Arkansas, Tennessee, Maryland, and Michigan.

Cherie will also be working in a hospital/clinic setting so she can gain direct care experience with patients. Cherie is applying for positions through the University of Michigan Ann Arbor Hospital and St. Joseph’s in Ann Arbor.

Cherie shared, “Girls Group has influenced my plans to attend college in many ways- ever since freshman year when I applied for a Girls Group scholarship, they have helped to keep me motivated. [Girls Group mentors] help me stay on track to graduate. Receiving a Girls Group scholarship has relieved some of my financial burdens and helped me to enjoy my college experience. I’ve made it this far and made the Deans and President’s list each year because Girls Group has given me a chance and continues to support me through college. Girls Group mentors, staff, and donors give girls like me the opportunity to go to college and graduate. I am excited to graduate, come back home, and show everyone at Girls Group what they helped me accomplish and give the other participants a sense of hope that they can accomplish this too!”