Adazia L.

Adazia L.

Adazia joined the Summer Book Club program this year because she enjoys reading and it was a good chance for her to spend more time with all of her friends that she has made at Girls Group. During the school year participants vote to select a book they would be interested in reading and meet weekly during the summer for discussions, meal, and enrichments in the community.

Adazia said the most impactful conversation for her was talking about beauty standards. Participants read a chapter of Well-Read Black Girl telling the story of a larger bodied Black girl who participated in local beauty pageants. The chapter focused on how the auhtor felt that she was having to squeeze her body and mind into these White spaces. Participants discussed how societal beauty standards do not define their own beauty. One of the most impactful takeaways from this conversation was that “clothes are made to fit our bodies, our bodies are not made to fit clothes.”

Adazia’s favorite memory during Summer Book Club was the day Ms. K, author and nonprofit leader, visited program to read two children’s books she wrote. One of the stories focused on overcoming challenges and staying true to yourself. During discussions the participants reflected on how as we grow, sometimes we leave people behind but we also get to meet new people along the way. They also talked about the importance of self-confidence and having a good support system like Girls Group.