Ava K.

Ava K.

Ava K. is a rising 8th grade participant who joined Girls Group last year after hearing about it through one of the many recruitment events at Forsythe Middle School. Ava recently attended the MSU 4-H College Exploration Days with Girls Group.

MSU 4-H Exploration Days is a signature precollege program that brings youth ages 11-19 to the campus of Michigan State University to live like a college student for three days and build critical life skills for the transition to college and adulthood. All costs associated with lodging, meals, transportation, and registration are covered by Girls Group. This experience was Ava’s first college tour and “a fun and exciting way to learn about college life”.

In the future, Ava hopes to attend the University of Michigan and pursue creative studies. During the MSU 4-H Exploration Days, Ava took courses including videography, watercolor painting, and a class on mindfulness. Ava plans to implement “techniques that will be useful later on”.

Ava also shared, “The dorms were really cool. There was good food. It was fun to meet new people and walk around exploring with my new friends. Thanks to Girls Group for taking me!”

We are excited to see what the future holds for Ava!