
Levi N.

Levi began their time with Girls Group in the sixth grade when they heard Girls Group was giving out laptops. Once they attended their first group, they were completely immersed and forgot about the laptop. 

For Levi, the pandemic created a need for community and connection that Girls Group provided. Levi considers themselves a social person and the virtual groups allowed them to socialize with people they normally may not have. Girls Group also helped build their confidence and passion for creating art. With the encouragement and support from Girls Group staff, Levi decided to pursue animation as a career.

“One of my biggest accomplishments was graduating high school,” Levi shared. Experiencing high school during the pandemic was hard for them. They could not receive the support they needed in classes due to being online, however, they graduated with more credits than they needed. They are extremely proud of this accomplishment and it has propelled them into continuing their education.

After graduating this spring, Levi has transitioned from Girls Group’s high school programming to the College and Career Services group. In those spaces, Levi continues to connect with group members and gain more community as they navigate their college and career journey as an adult. Levi is now taking classes at WCC and has gotten their own apartment with friends. They currently have 2 jobs and “feel content” with where they are in life. As they navigate adulthood, Levi knows they can always ask Girls Group for help when they need it.