Saran K.

Saran K.

Saran was introduced to Girls Group her freshman year of high school after a staff member came to her school and talked with her about college prep opportunities available with Girls Group. Saran was excited to find out that Girls Group would help her with other things, like her mental health. 

“Through Girls Group, I learned more about myself,” Saran reflected. Now as a high school senior, Saran shared that she has multiple resources and techniques to ensure she keeps track of her mental health. This helps her juggle other things in her life she enjoys like her job, hobbies, and school work. 

Saran’s involvement in Girls Group bolstered her self-awareness and communication skills. “I was always in an environment with different people who were interested in getting to know me and vice versa,” she shared.

Moving forward, Saran has two main goals for after high school; she plans to attend college and become a dermatologist. To reach this goal, Saran plans to work hard, apply to colleges, and lean on Girls Group to help her along this journey.